Looking for the belt that goes with everything and works for everyBODY?
Try the #linearLINKbelt ; a golden stretchy accessory that's a match made in heaven when you need to add some structure to your silhouette.
MEET ME AT THE 'BAR'- the thin, chic front of the belt hides the clasp for the hook on its backside. Don't feel like bringing the slice of golden sunshine to the forefront? Simply turn it around to the back of your body and let rest of the belt standout.
LET'S STRETCH- The tight metal coils that make up this belt have a lot of 'give' to them and can also give you a waistline no matter your size. If your waistline is smaller than the circumference of this belt, it's easily adjustable in a matter of moments (which is just enough time to 'BELT IT OUT').
Connect to this belt by buying it now :)